
Rise From Your Grave
originally posted: 2011-11-01 14:44:23

It's been three years since I last posted. I have an excuse: in April of 2007 I got me a Internet Job! And sadly it's left me no time for essay-writing.

But I'm gonna try and revive my blog. To that end, I've finally added a reStructuredText renderer to my homegrown blogging tool PySa. Previously I had to write blog entries in HTML; precise but laborious. Now that I can write in ReST perhaps I can knock out essays a bit faster.

Also, my blog is now...

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A Site Upgrade For 2007
originally posted: 2007-03-04 15:18:50

It seems I actually have readers now! And readers demand features! I hear, and I obey.

To achieve these features, yesterday I threw out my old blog software and wrote a new one from scratch. I call new blog generator "PySa", which is supposedly short for "Python Essay". Pysa is tailor-made to generate my blog how I want it.

With PySa firmly in place, my blog has the following new features:

About Momentary Fascinations
originally posted: 2007-03-04 13:38:12


Welcome to Momentary Fascinations! This is a blog... sort of. Really, it's an outlet for essay writing, a way for me to work off my occasional topical obsessions.

Every so often, I'll go on a real information bender. I'll go deep into some subject, doing a bunch of research and filling my head with knowledge, until—inevitably—I burn out and move on. This was usually a complete waste of time; I wouldn't use the information for much of...

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New For 2006
originally posted: 2006-01-11 15:41:59

Finally, an update! I kind of munged my old blog system (Firedrop) sometime last year, and never fixed it, and anyway I'd grown disillusioned with that system. I've now switched to the clumsily-named PyBlosxom, and am much happier... at least for now. I have quite a backup of articles for Momentary Fascinations, so here's to turning over a new leaf in 2006 and letting 'er...

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Welcome to Momentary Fascinations!
originally posted: 2005-04-06 09:12:03

This was the first posting, but it's basically been rolled over into my "About" page, About Momentary...

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About Momentary Fascinations


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A Eulogy For Bob Bailey

A Quick 2017 Survey Of Rolling Linux Distributions

An Adventure In Buying Home Audio Speakers

The 2014 Lenovo X1 Carbon: Lenovo Giveth, And Lenovo Taketh Away

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Momentary Fascinations is Copyright 2005-2020 Larry Hastings.